All the Buzz about our Revolutionary Product Launch has finally come to an end. At SecPod, we are super excited to announce the launch of our newest invention SanerNow Continuous Posture Anomaly Management, fondly called SanerNow CPAM.
Be WOWed by SanerNow CPAM while it uncovers amazing insights about your IT infrastructure and provides holistic visibility as you have never seen before. SanerNow analyzes 100s of system probes, and 1000s of system attributes to find posture anomalies that threaten IT security. In addition, it provides built-in actions that can fix anomalies quickly from the same console.
Check out the journey of building SanerNow CPAM and its technical capabilities from the creators’ table to get acquainted with our new product.
You can also refer to our launch page that hosts the product collaterals and learn more about SanerNow CPAM.
We believe that SanerNow CPAM’s impeccable capabilities will up your security ante by eliminating the most obvious attack vectors and preventing massive cyberattacks.
You must see it to believe it! Take a Free Trial to experience our revolutionary innovation.