It’s that time of the year! For starters, a heartfelt congratulations for everyone who successfully ventured into completing around the year around the sun. While you’re ready to close down on the responsibilities for one night of special celebration on the eve of the 2022 new year, when the clock strikes 12 in the mid-night, it’s a blank page for you. Irrespective of wherever you come from, the first day of New Year is special. It’s filled with hope, raging fire to conquer the world, find a new meaning in life.
Have you decided on the resolutions yet, the ones that none of us can ever stick to? At any point in time, it’s hard to form a new habit. Like starting a new job, getting into fitness and a new diet, explore new places. We’ve not been around since the beginning of time, but there is something that we know about forming habits and living with them. You might have come across the 21-day rule, which suggests “committing to a goal for 21 days” will ultimately become a part of your life.
2021 was filled with challenges. The fight against COVID is continuing, people succumbing to illness, and companies are trying to keep their heads up due to unprecedented cyber-attacks. In times of crisis, humans become their remarkable self. To adjust to something new demands persistence.
To make things easier during your transition to something better. You can practice a robust cyber hygiene practice for 21 days straight without fail. Once you’re well acquainted with the newfound cyber hygiene habit and procure all the benefits of this practice.
Are you looking for new resolutions to adapt and practice a cyber hygiene routine? Well, look no further!